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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

C# Delegate, Events, and Anonymous Methods

  • Why use event?
  • Why use generic delegate?
  • How to use asynchronous delegate? (BeginInvoke)
  • Why use generic EventHandler delegate?
  • Anonymous method with delegate
*delegate is a type-safe function pointer.
*event in c# is delegate, usually named "eventHandler" and takes some arguments
*by convention, c# use OnEvent() as a wrapper to call and pass arguments.
which then invoke the event (calling the delegate; invoke the callback that event handler has registered with. it is also why we usually check if the event is null (no callback yet, don't call it)
*More concepts: event is just a callback. in c# event can registered multiple methods. fire the event will call all the registered methods. also, signal is a callback with multiple target (think of an Qt signal connects to many slots). signal is also called event or publisher. for slot, it is also called event target, subscriber, or callback receiver)

Remember this form to declaring the event
//p349, p364, Pro C#2008 a. declare delegate type, b. define member variable
public delegate void CardHandler(string s);
public event CardHandler accelerate;

using System;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging;

namespace chap9_delegate
public class Class1
static void Main()
//9.1 GetInvocationList to obtain an array of Delegate objects
Multicast multicast = new Multicast();
//9.2 You can get the return value of multicast delegate
//9.3 Catch individual exception in a multicast delegate

//9.4 asynchronous delegate
//9.5 wrap in sealed class, FileSystemWatcher 12.23

//9.12 anonymous methods, 3 ways to do it
Class2 class2 = new Class2();

//9.13 Generic Event Handler //p369, Pro c#2008,
//The advantage of using EventHandler<(Of <(TEventArgs>)>)
//is that you "do not need to code your own custom delegate" if your event generates event data.

//chap 11, pro c#2008, andrew troelsen
UnderstandEvent understandEvent = new UnderstandEvent();
//you can register event handler to the accelerate event at the client side, in this case, speedup.
//you can directly assign the method name to the event, the IL will write "new" for you
understandEvent.accelerate += understandEvent.speedup;
//or you can register this way, no syntatic sugar but still work
understandEvent.accelerate += new UnderstandEvent.CardHandler(understandEvent.speedup);
understandEvent.onAccelerate(); // call speedup twice

//p.363,WHY USE EVENT?
// the following line will not compile, the "accelerate" event is private to its class!
// , so now you can only REGISTER/DE-REGISTER the event handler on accelerate event,
// to call the accelerate event, you need to define a public function inside acclerate's class to call it
//understandEvent.accelerate("call speedup through event");

// Generic delegate p.360
//what's the point? we can write our delegate once, since the argument in the handler is generic
GenericDelegate genericDelegate = new GenericDelegate();
genericDelegate.typeString = new GenericDelegate.myGenericDelegate<string>(genericDelegate.methodTypeString);
genericDelegate.typeInt = new GenericDelegate.myGenericDelegate<int>(genericDelegate.methodTypeInt);
genericDelegate.typeString("call string type generic delegate");

//p.591 c# pro Asyn Delegate
//play with the following for method yourself
MyAsyncDelegate myAsyncDelegate = new MyAsyncDelegate();


public class Class2
delegate int DoWork(string s);

public void WorkItOutAnonymous()
DoWork dw = delegate(string s) //do not put "new" here; argument and return type must match too
return s.GetHashCode();

int result = dw("WorkItOutAnonymous");

public void WorkItOut()
DoWork dw = new DoWork(DoWorkMethodImpl);
//C# Magic, same as the above, C# writes the IL to create the delegate object,
//no more "new Delegate()"
//DoWork dw = DoWorkMethodImpl;

int i = dw("DoWorkMethodImpl1");

public int DoWorkMethodImpl(string s)
return s.GetHashCode();

public class Multicast
delegate int myDelegate(string s);

public void useMulticastDelegate()
myDelegate m1 = new myDelegate(method1);
myDelegate m2 = new myDelegate(method2);
myDelegate m3 = new myDelegate(method3);

myDelegate myDelegateMulticast = m1 + m2 + m3;
//myDelegate[] allMethodInMyDelegate = (myDelegate[])myDelegateMulticast.GetInvocationList(); //does not work
Delegate[] allMethodInMyDelegate = myDelegateMulticast.GetInvocationList();

for (int i = 0; i < allMethodInMyDelegate.Length; ++i)
int returnValue; //we can capture each return value from each delegate
returnValue = ((myDelegate)allMethodInMyDelegate[i])(string.Format("{0}, this is the argument string", i));

public int method1(string s)
return 1;

public int method2(string s)
return 2;

public int method3(string s)
return 3;

public class UnderstandEvent
//p349, p364, Pro C#2008 a. declare delegate type, b. define member variable
public delegate void CardHandler(string s);
public event CardHandler accelerate;

public void speedup(string s)

public void onAccelerate()
if (accelerate != null)
accelerate("accelerated event is invoked");
Console.WriteLine("you must register (listening the incoming event before calling the event");

public class GenericDelegate
public delegate void myGenericDelegate<T>(T myGenericType);

public myGenericDelegate<string> typeString;
public myGenericDelegate<int> typeInt;

public void methodTypeString(string s) { Console.WriteLine("call method type string"); }
public void methodTypeInt(int s) { Console.WriteLine("call method type int"); }

public class MyAsyncDelegate
public delegate int myDelegate(string s);

public int addManyNumber(string s)
Random random = new Random();
int ret = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
ret += random.Next(500);

return ret;

public int runAddManyNumberDelegate1()
myDelegate md = new myDelegate(addManyNumber);
//or, myDelegate md = addManyNumber;

//this will return right away
IAsyncResult iftAR = md.BeginInvoke("run beginInvoke", null,null );

//busy loop to appreciate the multithreading feeling
while (!iftAR.IsCompleted)
Console.WriteLine("MyAsyncDelegate is not completed");

Console.WriteLine("\n\nMyAsyncDelegate is now compleged");

//calling thread is now blocked until EndInvoke is completed
int answer = md.EndInvoke(iftAR);

return answer;

public int runAddManyNumberDelegate2()
myDelegate md = addManyNumber;
IAsyncResult itfAT = md.BeginInvoke("run beginInvoke", messageCallback1, null);
int answer = 0;

return answer;

//the callback for BeginInvoke, the sygnature must be the following pattern
//Note the IAsyncResult argument
public void messageCallback1(IAsyncResult itfAR)
Console.WriteLine("beginInvoke compleged, callback call!");

public int runAddManyNumberDelegate3()
myDelegate md = addManyNumber;

md.BeginInvoke("dummy arg", messageCallback2, null);

int answer = 0;
return answer;

// so you can get the reference of the orignal delegate from the callback
// and you can call EndInvoke to get the return value from the orignal delegate
public void messageCallback2(IAsyncResult iftAR)
Console.WriteLine("messageCallback2 call, beginInvoke completed");

AsyncResult ar = (AsyncResult)iftAR;
myDelegate md = (myDelegate)ar.AsyncDelegate;

//calling thread is no blocked until EndInvoke is compleged
int returnValueFromDelegate = md.EndInvoke(iftAR);
Console.WriteLine("return value from messageCallback2 is {0}:", returnValueFromDelegate);

//use the last argument in BeginInvoke
public int runAddManyNumberDelegate4()
myDelegate md = addManyNumber;

md.BeginInvoke("dummy arg", messageCallback3, "Stuff in the last argument in BeginInvoke");

int answer = 0;
return answer;

//use AsyncState
public void messageCallback3(IAsyncResult iftAR)
Console.WriteLine("messageCallback3 call, beginInvoke completed");
string arg = (string)iftAR.AsyncState;

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